Just a friendly public service announcement to clear the air about all of this "War on Christmas" - "Happy Holidays" hysteria . I am please to inform you that you are NOT actually experiencing religious oppression, but instead are suffering from the unfortunate aftermath of being brought up with bad manners. You were always free to say "Merry Christmas"....you simply never understood what in fact you were actually saying. The great news for you is with this 3 minute class in basic common decency and etiquette, you too can go back to saying Merry Christmas literally thousands of times a day! The reason you think you are being oppressed by being asked not to say "Merry Christmas!" is because you were never told that greetings are always well wishes for the RECIPIENT OF THE GREETING!!! When you say "Good Morning" you are saying a shortened version of "Hello! I hope YOU are having a good morning!" not ...